



Hanatsubaki Archive Form of Beauty
(From "Hanatsubaki" No.832 "care".)
May you find your unique sense of beauty –with such a wish for our readers, Hanatsubaki has been offering specific and practical beauty and makeup information every season. Caring and adorning yourself while understanding your natural state of beauty without comparing yourself to others –this may be important for us who live in the modern age, to navigate everyday life happily and meaningfully.
Let us take a look at the messages of beauty that transcend times.
There are days when nothing you do goes right. On such days, do not sulk in bed, but instead, take a nice, relaxing bath, put your favourite record on, and treat your skin with more care than usual. Finally, look into the mirror, put a spell on your skin by chanting, “Let’s get through tomorrow together”, and slip straight to bed. If your skin is in good condition, you might feel like everything will go right that day.
It is important to love your unique beauty at all times. In order to do that, you must first truly understand yourself. Not one of us is the same, from the shape of our eyes, nose, lips, facial contours, and hair textures. It may be important to keep up with the trends, but let us also find the beauty that brings out the unique charm.
Just like changing your makeup and wardrobe with the seasons, you can enjoy different hairstyles. When you join a party in this coming season with a handful of events, let’s take a chance and look for a brand new you by adding gorgeous waves or even trying short hair. Your hairstyle, along with your favourite dress, will make you look more lively and attractive.