閉じられたまなこ 命が割られた日
今日の私はすわっているので 子鹿
が見えた アンリ∙ルソーのライオン
の脇を駆け抜け フリーダ∙カーロの猿
にも挨拶せず 鹿に手をのばし 白い
からつくられた絵の具の赤 色が痛い
生暖かさは死ではない 鹿の幻影が網
たわだ ようこ/小説家、詩人。東京生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部卒業後、渡独。チューリッヒ大学博士課程修了。日独2ヶ国語で作品を多数発表しており、1996年にはドイツ語での作家活動によりシャミッソー文学賞受賞。2018年『献灯使』で全米図書賞(翻訳文学部門)受賞。2006年よりベルリン在住。
This Color Hurts
Yoko Tawada
Translation / Margaret Mitsutani
A deer lies in the center of the museum of art
Its eyes closed that day its life was split in two
Shoes passed by with hard heels
Eyes always at the same level
Along a line linking masterpiece to masterpiece
Never dropping to see what’s below
Today I’m sitting down so I see
A fawn run by Henri Rousseau’s lion
And Freida Kahlo’s monkey without
A word I reach out to the deer the blood on the
Sleeve of my white blouse is red paint
Made of cinnabar this color hurts
Warmth is not death today when the image of the deer
Appears on my retina
I go home in
the wheel chair that is my soul
Yoko Tawada is a novelist and poet born in Tokyo. After graduating from the Department of Literature at Waseda University, she moved to Germany and later earned a PhD from the University of Zurich. Writing in both German and Japanese, she was awarded the Adalbert-von-Chamisso Prize in 1996 for her German-language works. In 2018, she won the National Book Award for Translated Literature (USA) for The Emissary. She has been based in Berlin since 2006.