Impression of New Beauty #49
Impression of New Beauty #49
私の一部、私のすべて #手
Part of Me, All of Me #Hand
Text / Mariko Yamauchi Photo / Reiko Toyama
私の一部、私のすべて #足
Part of Me, All of Me #Feet
Text / Mariko Yamauchi Photo / Reiko Toyama
私の一部、私のすべて #耳
Part of Me, All of Me #Ear
Text / Mariko Yamauchi Photo / Reiko Toyama
Impression of New Beauty #48
Impression of New Beauty #48
Impression of New Beauty #47
Impression of New Beauty #47
Impression of New Beauty #46
Impression of New Beauty #46
Impression of New Beauty #45
Impression of New Beauty #45
エレガンスの本質を追い求めて 村田晴信への5つの質問
In pursuit of the essence of elegance Five questions for Harunobu Murata
渡辺志桜里×鈴木純 銀座植物観察対談
Shiori Watanabe × Jun Suzuki Ginza plant observation dialogue