December Poem
November Poem
銀座・メモワール #5 吉増剛造・後篇「ことばの手仕事」
Ginza Memoir #5 Part 2 Gozo Yoshimura "The Artisanal Craft of Words"
Text / Sogo Hiraiwa Photo / Nathalie Cantacuzino
編集者エレン・フライスによる 展覧会開催のお知らせ
Announcement of exhibition by Elein Fleiss
The past and future of TOGA designer Yasuko Furuta (Part 2)
Text / Yoshiko Go (Shiseido Fashion Director) Portrait photographs / kaho kikuchi
Photographic Dialogue with International Female Artists
Photographic Dialogue with International Female Artists
Text by Sawako Fukai Photo by Tomohiro Mazawa
銀座・メモワール #5 吉増剛造・前篇「旧帝国ホテルの路地性」
Ginza Memoir #5 Part 1 Gozo Yoshimura "The Alleyway Spirit of the Imperial Hotel"
Text / Sogo Hiraiwa Photo / Nathalie Cantacuzino
The past and future of TOGA designer Yasuko Furuta (Part 1)
Text / Yoshiko Go (Shiseido Fashion Director) Portrait photographs / kaho kikuchi
銀座・メモワール #4 珠寳・後篇「乱世に生まれた、“ない”ことの美」
Ginza Memoir #4 Part 2 Shuho "The Beauty of Absence, Born in Turbulent Times"
Text / Sogo Hiraiwa Photo / Nathalie Cantacuzino
銀座・メモワール #4 珠寳・前篇「銀座で目撃した歴史の1ページ」
Ginza Memoir #4 Part 1 "A Page of History, Witnessed in Ginza"
Text / Sogo Hiraiwa Photo / Nathalie Cantacuzino